來到美國後我才第一次聽到 assertive 這個單字。美國人將 assertiveness 視為很高的美德,因為那代表一個人具備足夠的自信、溝通技巧、人際成熟度,以至於能夠堅定、清楚地表達自己想要的與不想要的,卻不會因此傷害他人或顯得傲慢、無禮或威脅他人。 Psychology Today 是這樣定義 assertiveness 的: “Assertiveness is a social skill that relies heavily on effective communication while simultaneously respecting the thoughts and wishes of others. People who are assertive clearly and respectfully communicate their wants, needs, positions, and boundaries to others. Individuals who are high in assertiveness don't shy away from defending their points of view or goals, or from trying to influence others to see their side. They are open to both compliments and constructive criticism. ” (「Assertiveness 是一種社交技能,依靠的是在有效溝通的同時尊重他人的想法及需求。Assertive 的人能清楚且尊重他人地說明自己的需求、渴望、處境以及社交界線。擁有 assertive 特質的人會積極地說服他人了解自己的觀點,也積極地爭取、辯護自己的想法。他們對於讚美及有建設性地批評同樣地歡迎。」) 美國人如此看重、欣賞的 assertiveness 這個單字在中文卻似乎沒有相對應的翻譯。Google translate 將 assertive 翻成「斷言的、斷定的、過分自信的」;我覺得這些翻譯充滿負面含義且非常不正確。 生長在台灣的我,認為台灣確實沒有 assertiveness 的文化。我觀察到的台灣人,普遍很少直接說出自己想要什麼;如...