
Networking Tips for Job-Seekers

by Vanessa Wang

We've all heard it before: if you're looking for a job, network, network, network.

Networking for me has always been a hard concept, and not because I'm an introvert, which I am, but even introverts look forward to meeting new people every once in a while. The problem for me is that "networking" is such a vague word. What exactly does it mean? Do I just walk up to people and introduce myself as a job-seeker? Does networking mean attending in-person events like "Women in Silicon Valley Happy Hour"? And if so, how often do I have to attend these things?

If you ask 10 people what networking means, chances are you'll get 10 different answers. So I'm going to give you my take on how to network, based on my experience of networking as a career changer seeking a software engineer job.

1. Set realistic expectations about networking results.

Let's say you call in a baby-sitter on Friday night, so you can drive to a restaurant half an hour away to attend a Women in Tech happy hour. You order a drink, meet new people, talk for two-and-a-half hours before driving home to pay your babysitter for four hours of her time. You're exhausted and a little bit poorer after doing all this, but surely it'll pay off because after adding all your new friends on LinkedIn, one of them is going to give you a job, right?

Well, if you've ever networked, you know this likely won't happen. I'm not saying that it can't, but usually it doesn't happen that way, at least not right away. It's more likely that from the people that you met, one of them promises to introduce you to someone else, who might have a lead to a position, and might give you an opportunity to interview with the company. That's a lot of mights for a lot of effort on your end if you expected to land a job after this one night out.

So tweak your expectations. Instead of expecting a job out of your night out, think of it as an excuse to get out and meet new friends. When was the last time you went out for drinks on a Friday night, anyway? While it's the luck of the draw whether you'll find a fairy god mother who'll offer you a job on the spot, it's almost guaranteed that you'll find camaraderie and maybe even a job-seeking buddy (or in my case, a study partner to practice coding with) if you engage yourself and extend a friendly hand. Job-seeking is a lonely path, so never underestimate the importance of finding people to share your journey with.

It's also possible that while you may not find exactly what you were expecting, you'll find other leads. For example, going to Developer's Week in Oakland was completely underwhelming, and I left feeling like I had wasted my evening. But I did learn about the job searching website Vettery that has employers reaching out to you instead of you applying to roles, and this app has actually found me seven interview opportunities so far, including one that led up to a job offer.

2. Focus on Giving more than Asking

I'm a writer, and I attend a lot of events where agents and publishers talk about how authors sell their books. The secret, I've learned--and I've heard this over and over again from many, many professionals in the field--is to "engage" in a community. That community can be Twitter, a graduate program, a writing conference, book-signing events... it can be anything, but the key is that you're actively engaging, which means that you're there asking questions, listening, buying books...you're as much in the community as a participant and supporter as a self-advocate. Suffice it to say that you're not going to sell any books by beating people over the head with your book synopsis.

Networking is built upon relationships, and relationships are built with time and trust. Treat others as you would like to be treated, and don't discount the benefits of giving. To quote from Angela Duckworth's Grit, "when encouraging another person in need, we direct attention to what can be changed about a situation. As some coaches like to say, when advising others, we focus less on the many things we can't fix on our own and instead concentrate on 'controlling the controllables.'"

3. Online Networking Counts

This is one of the greatest lessons I've learned. As a mom of a one-year-old, going to in-person events is very costly for me. But I realized that online communities, such as private Facebook groups for women developers, mom coders, women in Silicon Valley and such, are very active, and people on these platforms can be equally warm and helpful. I've met so many people through these online groups, and I can tell you right now that I have found leads that directly landed me jobs this way.

4. Don't stop networking, even after you've landed a job

This is perhaps the most important point, one that I'll keep reminding myself. I can't remember where I read this, but it goes something like this: "the higher you are on the corporate ladder, the more likely you'll find your next-level position through networking." Which is to say that networking only becomes more important as we go through life. So it's good to start right now, because at the end of the day, I believe that networking is built upon genuine relationships, time, and trust, so the longer you keep at it, the more likely you'll feel the benefits.

But more importantly, don't stop networking even after you've landed a job, because now you're in a position to give back and help others with your experience and wisdom.



什麼是 Assertiveness? 你容易被情感勒索嗎?

來到美國後我才第一次聽到 assertive 這個單字。美國人將 assertiveness 視為很高的美德,因為那代表一個人具備足夠的自信、溝通技巧、人際成熟度,以至於能夠堅定、清楚地表達自己想要的與不想要的,卻不會因此傷害他人或顯得傲慢、無禮或威脅他人。 Psychology Today  是這樣定義 assertiveness 的: “Assertiveness is a social skill that relies heavily on effective communication while simultaneously respecting the thoughts and wishes of others. People who are assertive clearly and respectfully communicate their wants, needs, positions, and boundaries to others.  Individuals who are high in assertiveness don't shy away from defending their points of view or goals, or from trying to influence others to see their side. They are open to both compliments and constructive criticism. ” (「Assertiveness 是一種社交技能,依靠的是在有效溝通的同時尊重他人的想法及需求。Assertive 的人能清楚且尊重他人地說明自己的需求、渴望、處境以及社交界線。擁有 assertive 特質的人會積極地說服他人了解自己的觀點,也積極地爭取、辯護自己的想法。他們對於讚美及有建設性地批評同樣地歡迎。」) 美國人如此看重、欣賞的 assertiveness 這個單字在中文卻似乎沒有相對應的翻譯。Google translate 將 assertive 翻成「斷言的、斷定的、過分自信的」;我覺得這些翻譯充滿負面含義且非常不正確。 生長在台灣的我,認為台灣確實沒有 assertiveness 的文化。我觀察到的台灣人,普遍很少直接說出自己想要什麼;如果說出來,

花九個月,靠自學轉行軟體工程師 -- 我所用的網路資源

by Vanessa Wang       歡迎支持我的臉書專頁:【 工程師作家的轉行人生 】 因為身邊有許多半路出家的軟體工程師,包含我老公,我一直抱持著或許某天我也要轉行當軟體工程師的想法。但我到了成為媽媽、小孩快一歲的時候,我才開始自學寫程式。 從 2018年底開始,我花了九個月的時間自學寫程式,並於 2019年七月成功轉行、找到了在加州矽谷全職軟體工程師(front-end web development)的工作。我沒有參加 bootcamp,就是在網路上找資源、自修。我是台大土木工程碩士畢業,後來到美國讀創意寫作碩士。成為軟體工程師之前,我沒有在職場上當過工程師,以前主要的工作以當 technical writer 寫技術文件為主。( 更多關於我轉職的動機、轉職前的履歷 ) 這篇想整理一下我自學期間用過的教材、工具,但這些都僅供參考,畢竟每個人的狀況、目標都不一樣。我始終相信「盡信書不如無書」。我這九個月中學到最重要的一件事就是凡事要有自己的想法、相信自己。像我這樣的文章網路上有很多,每個人用的方法都不太一樣。參考別人走過的道路很好,但更重要的是規劃最適合自己的一條路,然後自信地走下去。 以下就是轉行的路上,對我最有用的網路資源、工具: 一篇 Medium 上的文章 by Andrei Neagoie  這篇文章叫做  Learn to code in less than 5 months, get hired, and have fun along the way 這是我還在當 technical writer 時,某天上班無聊隨便 google 找到的。那時候還不太確定自己要不要轉行軟體工程,所以常常在網路上參考他人的經驗。我不時地都會回來看這篇文章,這篇文章可以說是貫徹我自學期間的一個中心思想。我很欣賞他的理念,尤其是以下這段話: “I spent the first month avoiding any tutorials or books. Instead, I spent this month looking at the best way for me to learn and get hired. I studied other people’s experiences, looke

是不是要「很聰明」、「數學很好」才能寫 code?

在我去年開始自學寫程式之前,我常常問是軟體工程師的朋友:「寫 code 很難吧?感覺超難懂。」在我心目中,寫 code 跟「數學能力」最有關係。 有趣的是,凡軟體工程師給我的回答,幾乎都一樣:「不會呀。學寫 code 就像學英文、日文那樣,就是一個語言。」 但我不是很能夠被這個答案說服,因為我以往跟程式語言的歷史告訴我,寫 code 是很困難的。我從高一第一次接觸 C++,到後來大一上土木工程系的必修課也是修 C++,經驗都蠻慘的,因此我就宣判自己沒有寫程式語言的天份。直到去年我從零開始再次透過線上課程自學寫 code,我才終於體會朋友們說的「學 code 就像學任何一個異國語言一樣」這句話的意思。 就從我高一的時候,第一次接觸程式語言的故事說起吧!那時是我學校的物理老師鼓勵我學程式語言的。他以完全免費的方式輔導我在假日期間學 C++,大概也是看到我對理工科有興趣,想說我可以自學寫一些小程式、搞不好還能參加什麼比賽之類的。於是他給我開了書單,讓我買了兩大本比字典還厚的 C、C++ 教學工具書(這種書現在還存在嗎?)來看,並且給我出功課,要我自己研究怎麼做出一些程式。 但朽木如我,一直碰壁,步步都感到挫折。那時的我,還不知道怎麼「自己找答案」,因此我心中一直期待老師可以好好示範他到底要我做什麼,因為我連他出的功課的題目、他到底想要我做些什麼我都不了解,也不知道從何問起。現在回想起來,老師心中一定是想:「這有什麼難的?自己看書,看不懂去找答案,不就這樣嗎?實際做做看、做不出來用力想直到做出來為止,難道還要手把手教學嗎?」但要知道那時候的我,雖然很喜歡數學、物理,理工能力不差,但「電腦」對我而言,就是一個玩接龍和踩地雷的工具,因此我連怎麼按照書上的說明去設定寫程式的環境都搞不清楚。 總之,第一次學寫程式的經驗,就在我心中無限多個黑人問號中無疾而終。直到上了大一又再次遇到 C++。 這次我以為我可以學得比較好,畢竟這是我第二次跟 C++ 碰面了。我們用的課本,再次是那種厚得令我第一天就把它切割成三分的工具書。但豈知第一堂課老師也就講完差不多三分之一本課本,一下就上完一、兩百頁的進度。 「等等啊!」我心中吶喊。第一堂課我們就從 Hello World 上到 for loop,而且是雙層的 for loop, 因為要用程式語言畫出這個形狀: